Gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone (GnRH) in rat brain: changes during estrous cycle, pregnancy, after gonadectomy, hypophysectomy and steroid hormone substitutions. Väitöskirjatyön ohjaajat: 1. professori Juhani Leppäluoto (Salk Institute for biological studies, LA JOLLA, United states https://www.salk.edu/ ja Oulun Yliopisto) 2. ylilääkäri Mikko Tuominen (Oulun yliopisto, fysiologian laitos) ISBN 951-42-2694-1
Kansainväliset tieteelliset vertaisarvioidut artikkelit
Viimeaikaisia julkaisuja
Pentikäinen H al. Resting Electrocardiogram and Blood Pressure in Young Athletes and Non‐Athletes: A 4‐year follow‐up, February 2022 Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging
Ristolainen L. & al. 2019 Acute and overuse injuries among sports club members and non-members: The Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) study. January 2019, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
T. Ryba & al. Dual Career Pathways of Transnational Athletes June 2015, Psychology of Sport and Exercise
H Selänne & al. The prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and use of painkillers among adolescent male ice hockey players in Finland. April 2014, Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
H Selänne al. Common features in overtrained athletes and individuals with professional burnout: Implications for sports medical practice, January 2013
Ennen vuotta 2010
Hulmi J, Jeff S, Volek S. Selänne H, Mero A, Protein ingestion prior to strength Exercise affects blood hormones and Metabolism. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 37:1990-1997, 2005
Laaksonen MS, Kivelä R, Kyröläinen H, Sipilä S, Selänne H, Lautamäki R, Nuutila P, Knuuti J, Kalliokoski JK, Komi.P. Effects of Exhaustive Stretch-Shortening Cycle Exercise on Muscle Blood Flow during Exercise. Acta Physiologica, 186:261-70, 2006.
Hulmi JJ, Ahtiainen JP, Kaasalainen T, Pöllänen E, Häkkinen K, Alén M, Selänne H, Kovanen V, Mero AA.Post exercise myostatin and activin IIbmRNA levels: effects of strenght training. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 39:289-297, 2007.
Kivelä, Riikka; Kyröläinen, Heikki; Selänne, Harri; Komi, Paavo; Kainulainen, Heikki; Vihko, Veikko Journal of Applied Physiology: A single bout of exercise with high mechanical loading induces the expression of Cyr61/CCN1 and CTGF/CCN2 in human skeletal muscle. Journal of Applied Physiology, 103: 1395-401.2007
Hulmi JJ, Kovanen V, Lisko I, Selänne H, Mero AA. The effects of whey protein on myostatin and cell cycle related gene expression responses to a single heavy resistance exercise bout in older men. European Journal of Applied Physiology 102: 205-213, 2008.
Hulmi JJ, Ahtiainen JP, Selänne H, Volek JS, Häkkinen K, Kovanen V, Mero AA. Androgen receptors and testosterone in men – effects of protein ingestion, resistance exercise and fiber type. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 110:130-137, 2008.
Hulmi JJ, Kovanen V, Selänne H, Kraemer WJ, Häkkinen K, Mero AA. Acute and long- term effects of resistance exercise with or without protein ingestion on muscle hypertrophy and gene expression. Amino Acids, 2008 (julkaistu internetissä 2008, ei vielä DOI-tietoja).
Hulmi JJ, Tannerstedt J, Selänne H, Kainulainen H, Kovanen V, Mero AA. Resistanec exercise and whey protein ingestion affects mTOR singnaling pathway and myostatin in men. Journal of Applied Physiology,accepted 2009.
Kallio J, Avela J, Moritani T, Kanervo M, Selänne H, Komi P, Linnamo V. Effects of ageing on motor unit activation patterns and reflex sensitivity in dynamic movements: J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2010;20(4):590-8.
Ahtiainen JP, Lehti M, Hulmi JJ, Kraemer WJ, Alén M, Nyman K, Selänne H, Pakarinen A, Komulainen J, Kovanen V, Mero AA, Häkkinen K, Recovery after heavy resistance exercise and skeletal muscle androgen receptor and insulin-like growth factor-I isoform expression in strenght trained men. J Strength Cond Res. 2011 Mar;25(3):767-77.
Ahtiainen JP, Lehti M, Hulmi JJ, Kraemer WJ, Alen M, Nyman K, Selänne H, Pakarinen A, Komulainen J, Kovanen V, Mero AA, Häkkinen K. Heavy resistance exercise training and skeletal muscle androgen receptor expression in younger and older men. Steroids 2011; Jan 76(1-2):183-92.
Kansainväliset ja kotimaiset kongressiabstraktit
Selänne H. Overtraining and Burnout in Sport, November 2016, The 50 years anniversary for establishing Sport Psychology in Arab countries, Kairo
Selänne, H., Ryba, T. V., Stambulova, N. B., & Ronkainen, N. (2013). Transnational athletes’ lifestories: Reflexivity in research.October 2013, 28th Annual Conference of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (pp. 139-140). New Orleans , LA. Acute and overuse injuries among sports-club members and non-members: Ristolainen Leena…
H.Selänne. The Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club Study. September 2017, 4th European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion 2017 (EU-Safety-2017) 21.-22.9.2017
M Sorkkila, T.Ryba, H. Selänne, K Aunola Development of Sport and School Burnout among Student-Athletes: A Longitudinal Mixed Methods study. In T.V. Ryba & K. Aunola (Chairs),
Supporting Youth Athletes’ Development in a Dual Career Context. 2017, International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) 14th World Congress
H. Selänne, Adolescent athletes , pain and injuries, 6 th international congress ASPASP, Taipei Taiwan, 11. – 14. 11. 2011
Selänne H, Tuominen M, Leppäluoto J. Distribution of LRH immunoreactivity in neural and gastrointestinal tissues. Acta Physiol.Scand., 105: supp. 7A. 1979
Tuominen M, Selänne H, Koivusalo F, Leppäluoto J, Kauppila A, Tuimala R, TRF and LRF immunoreactivity of human placenta and amniotic fluid. Acta Physiol., Scand., 112, suppl. 23A. 1981
Selänne, H., Kolehmainen, A., Karma, K., Is muscular sense of rhythm important in sport: temporal structuring among skilled Finnish ice-hockey juniors and golfers. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences, Jyväskylä, Finland, 19-23 July 2000. Ed. by Janne Avela, Paavo, V. Komi, Jyrki
Komulainen. Jyväskylä: LIKES Research Center, 2000. LIKES Research Reports on Sport and Health; 127, pp. 672-673.
Ahtiainen J., Selänne H., Kraemer W.J., Häkkinen K. Changes in muscle architecture during prolonged strength training in previously untrained older women and strength trained young men. 8th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Salzburg, Austria, 9-12.7. 2003
Blomqvist M, Häyrinen M, Selänne H, Luhtanen P Game understanding and game performance of junior badminton players. AIESEP World Congress, 7-9.4.1999, Besancon, France.
Blomqvist M, Häyrinen M, Selänne H, Luhtanen P. Can video tasks be used to enhance game understanding in badminton. AIESEP World Congress, 2-5.9.2000, Rockhampton, Australia.
Hulmi J, Ahtiainen J, Kovanen V, Kaasalainen T, Alen M, Selänne H, Häkkinen K, Mero A, Resistance exercise-induced myostatin mRNAexpression before and after a 6-month strength training period. ACMS’s 53 rd Annual conference Denver, Colorado. May 2006
Hulmi J, Mero A, Mero A, Ahtiainen P, Kaasalainen T, Alen M, Selänne H, Häkkinen K, Kovanen V, Resistance exercise-induced MyoD and myogenin mRNA expression before and after a 21 week strength training period in older men. 18 th Nordic Congress of Gerontology. Jyväskylä, 2006.
Hulmi J, Ahtiainen J, Kaasalainen T, Volek JS, Pöllänen E, Alen M, Selänne H, Häkkinen K, Kovanen V, Mero A, Effects of strength training and whey protein on acute resistance exercise-induced myostatin and cell cycle expression. The 5 th In. Conf. Strength Training, Odense, Tanska, 2006.
Kivelä R., Kyröläinen H., Selänne H., Komi P.V., Vihko V. Expression of Cyr61, CTGF and lymphangiogenic vascular endothelial growth factors VEGF-C and VEGF-D in hu-man skeletal muscle after fatiguing jumping exercise. 10 th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 13.-16.7.2005, Belgrad, Serbia-Montenegro. Abstract Book p. 212.
Kivelä R., Selänne H., Komi P., Vihko V., Kyröläinen H. Uuvuttavan hyppelykuormituksen vaikutukset veri- ja imusuonten kasvutekijöiden geeniekspressioon raajalihaksessa. Liikuntalääketieteen päivät 27.-298.10.2005, Helsinki.
Kyröläinen H., Linnamo V., Avela J., Laaksonen M., Kivelä R., Sipilä S., Selänne H. and Komi P.V. (2004) Neuromuscular responses to fatiguing stretch-shortening cycle exercise in different muscle actions. In: Book of Abstracts, 4th International Conference on Sterngth Training (eds. Kellis E., Amiridis I.G. and Vrabas I.S.). Serres, Greece. p.306-307.
Mustalampi S, Mälkiä E, Kautiainen H, Selänne H, Kiviranta I. Harjoittelu eturistisideleikkauksen jälkeen käyttäen standardoitua tai yksilöllisesti tehostettua kotiharjoitteluohjelmaa. Satunnaistettu, kontrolloitu tutkimus. Liikunta & Tiede. 2005;5:37.
Mustalampi S, Kiviranta I, Selänne H, Mälkiä E. Standardised and Individually progressed rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Abstracts of the Nordic Physiotherapy Congress; 2005 June 1-3; Helsingør, Denmark. 2005. p. 89.
Mustalampi S, Kautiainen H, Selänne H, Mälkiä E, Kiviranta I. Standardoitu ja yksilöllisesti tehostettu kuntoutus eturistisideleikkauksen jälkeen. Teoksessa: Suomen fysioterapeuttiliito ry (toim.) Valtakunnalliset Fysioterapiapäivät 2005; 22.-23.4.2005; Dipoli, Espoo.
Mustalampi S, Raita J, Mälkiä E, Selänne H, Kiviranta I. Liikunnallinen aktiivisuus eturistisideleikkauksen jälkeen standardoidun ja tehostetun harjoittelun ryhmissä. Liikunta & Tiede. 2004;5:45.
Mustalampi S, Kiviranta I, Era P, Selänne H. Alaraajan isometristen voimamittausten ja yhden jalan pituushyppytestin toistettavuus terveillä ja eturistisideleikatuilla henkilöillä. Liikunta & Tiede. 2003; XII Liikuntalääketieteen päivät 9.-10.10.2003:31.
Mustalampi S, Kiviranta I, Era P, Selänne H. Test-retest reliability of isometric lower limb strength measurements and single legged hop test in uninjured subjects and in patients after ACL reconstruction. In: Müller E, Schwameder H, Zallinger G, Fastenbauer V (eds.) 8th Annual congress, European College of Sport Science; 2003 July 9-12; Salzburg, Austria. Austria: Institute of Sports Science, University of Salzburg; 2003. p. 471-2.
Mustalampi S, Kiviranta I, Selänne H. Intrarater reliability of knee flexion measurement and knee laxity measurements in uninjured subjects and in patients after ACL reconstruction. In: Müller E, Schwameder H, Zallinger G, Fastenbauer V (eds.) 8th Annual congress, European College of Sport Science; 2003 July 9-12; Salzburg, Austria. Austria: Institute of Sports Science, University of Salzburg; 2003. p. 397.
Mustalampi S, Era P, Kiviranta I, Selänne H. Test-retest reliability of postural stability tests in uninjured subjects and in patients after ACL reconstruction. In: Müller E, Schwameder H, Zallinger G, Fastenbauer V (eds.) 8th Annual congress, European College of Sport Science; 2003 July 9-12; Salzburg, Austria. Austria: Institute of Sports Science, University of Salzburg; 2003. p.18.
Recovery of tempo-spatial characteristics of gait after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Mustalampi S, Selänne H, Kautiainen H, Mälkiä E, Kiviranta I (ECSS 2007, Jyväskylä)
Expression of androgen receptors in human skeletal muscle: effects of fibre-type and protein ingestion with resistance exercise Hulmi JJ, Ahtiainen JP, Selänne H, Volek JS,
Häkkinen K, Kovanen V, Mero AA. (ECSS 2007 Jyväskylä) J. Ahtiainen, H. Selänne, W.J. Kraemer, K. Häkkinen:Training in previously untrained older Women and streght trained young men. (ECSS 2007, Jyväskylä)
Selänne, H., Ryba, T. V., Stambulova, N. B., & Ronkainen, N. (2013). Transnational athletes’ lifestories: Reflexivity in research.October 2013, 28th Annual Conference of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (pp. 139-140). New Orleans , LA.
Acute and overuse injuries among sports-club members and non-members: Ristolainen Leena, H.Selänne. The Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club Study. September 2017, 4th European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion 2017 (EU-Safety-2017)
21.-22.9.2017 Development of Sport and School Burnout among Student-Athletes: A Longitudinal Mixed Methods study. In T.V. Ryba & K. Aunola (Chairs), Supporting Youth Athletes’ Development in a Dual Career Context. M Sorkkila, T.Ryba, H. Selänne, K Aunola,July 2017, International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) 14th World Congress